Wednesday, May 22, 2013


It is 1:00am and I'm doing homework. Well, obviously not because I am writing this blog post. I just wanted to share this amazing song from the musical version of "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." The song is called "Confrontation," and it is simply amazing. The alternating voices/personas make the song so much powerful. It is really a masterpiece. The lyrics and the entire story is a very relate-able one surprisingly. I read the book for my AP Lit. course and it is a reflection of true human life. We struggle with our true nature and the person we want to be or prefer to be. Hidden motives, drug addiction, closet homosexuality, it can all be found in Robert Louis Stevenson's book "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Believe me. I read it. haha

Back to the subject though; the song is great! Give it a listen. ;)


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